IE5 and IE5.5 compatibility
conditional comments

A few modifications are necessary to improve the menu1 with IE 5 and IE 5.5:

We still need two stylesheets:
pagecss2nn4.css with the rules that are ignored or correctly interpreted.
pagecss2.css with the new rules and what generates display problems.
We will add a few conditional comments instead of hacks.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagecss2nn4.css" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
   /*is ignored by nn4 or ie4*/
@import "pagecss2.css";/*overwrites previously defined styles*/
/*to add here or in pagecss2nn4*/
#menugauche li{
border-top:1px solid #90BADE;
for any version before MSIE 5.5
<!--[if lt IE 5.5]>
<style type="text/css">
#menugauche li{
for MSIE 5 and 5.5 - menu width
<!--[if lt IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
#menugauche li a{

There will be no change for other browsers.

Title for a table with 3 columns




The text is hidden

if there is

an overflow

so that alignment

is not modified.





Title for a table with 2 columns

Wide column on the left

Narrow on the right

Centered text

Bold characters



Column on the left using half of the content part of the page with margins on both sides.
Column on the right using half of the content part of the page with margins on both sides.

Only CSS, no table and no javascript.
The number of MSIE 5 and MSIE5.5 users is decreasing, but it is high enough to test your pages.

1 CSS cutting edge proposes other cross-browser solutions without lists for vertical and horizontal menus.
1 Other solutions for horizontal and vertical menus.