
We can use CSS to simulate tables or display a content in a few boxes.
In the next pages, you will find the steps to follow to have a menu1 on the left, a box for a text with different tables or columns.
The page will be compatible with MSIE 6, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape 7.2 and 8 and also Opera 7, 8 or 9.
It will also behave correctly with Konqueror 3.2, Safari, Galeon, Epiphany and nearly as well with MSIE 5.5 and 5.
It will be valid XHTML and valid CSS2.
There will be no javascript.

Your browser may not be able to display this page.

Title for a table with 3 columns




The text is hidden

if there is

an overflow

so that alignment

is not modified.





Title for a table with 2 columns

Wide column on the left

Narrow on the right

Centered text

Bold characters



Column on the left using half of the content part of the page with margins on both sides.
Column on the right using half of the content part of the page with margins on both sides.

Now, let's go to the page without style: step 1.

1 CSS cutting edge proposes other cross-browser solutions without lists for vertical and horizontal menus.
1 Other solutions for horizontal and vertical menus.